Platform Explorer / Nuxeo Platform 6.0



Management resource publishers, resources can be nuxeo services or factories.




Extension Points


XML Source

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component name="">

    	Management resource publishers, resources can be nuxeo services or factories.

  <implementation class="" />

    <provide interface="" />

  <extension-point name="services">
        <p>Publish a nuxeo service as a management resource.</p>
        <p>Here is the parameters description : 
        the <emph>name</emph> is used as a shortcut name, 
        the <emph>ifaceClass</emph> is used to locate the service,
        the <emph>class</emph> is instrumented for publishing management information.</p>
        <p>The following line figures out how we have published the runtime management service itself.
        <br/>&lt;service name="managementResourcePublisher" class="" ifaceClass=""&gt;
    <object class="" />

  <extension-point name="factories">
        <p>Publish a class that will be call backed at initialization time for
        registering resources.</p>
    	<p>The following information have to be provided : the fully qualified factory <emph>class</emph> name.
    	The referenced class should implement <emph>ResourceFactory</emph> class.</p>
    	<p>The following line figures out how to publish a factory.<br/>
    	&lt;factory class="my.FactoryClass"&gt;
    <object class="" />

  <extension-point name="shortcuts">
        <p>Define a shortcuts to a published resource.</p>
        <p>Nuxeo's published resources are published by the service using that shortcut</p>
        <p>The following information have to be provided : the shortcut <emph>name</emph>, the management <emph>qualifiedName</emph> and the mbean server <emph>locator</emph> pattern.</p>
        <p>The following line figures out how using it.<br/>
        &lt;shortcut name="publisher" qualifiedName="org.nuxeo:name=managementResourcePublisher,type=service" locator="org.nuxeo"/&gt;
    <object class="" />

  <extension target=""
    <service name="managementResourcePublisher" class="" ifaceClass=""/>
